皮肤白皙当然是上天馈赠,但对于一些肤色天生较暗沉偏黑的女性而言,是不是就无可奈何了呢?这里要告诉肤色偏黑女子护肤的要诀,那就是你的护肤重点不在怎样变白上,而在于防止变得更黑,并且使之细腻光洁,做到了这两点,肤色偏黑的女子就不难成为“黑里俏”佳人。 要避免使肤色变得更黑,营养很重要,情绪很重要,外在保护措施也很重要,三管齐下方是上上策。多吃含维生素C的果蔬,它是天然美白剂;富含维生素E的大豆、麦芽、蛋黄及各种带皮类食物能有效减退色素,当然也是理想食品;少吃刺激性辛辣食物。保持一种乐观的情绪,不要因肤色黑而自惭形秽,好心情就是美容剂,好心情写
Of course, the fair skin is a gift from heaven, but for some natural darker skinned women, is not helpless? Here to tell the secret of the dark side of the skin care woman, that is, your skin care focus is not how to turn white , But rather to prevent becoming more black, and to make it smooth and beautiful, to do these two points, the color of the dark side of the woman is not difficult to become “black pretty” beauty. To avoid darkening the complexion, nutrition is important, mood is important, external protection measures are also important, and three-pronged approach is the best policy. Eat more fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C, it is a natural whitening agent; rich in vitamin E soybeans, malt, egg yolk and various skin foods can effectively reduce the pigment, of course, is also the ideal food; eat spicy spicy food. Maintain an optimistic mood, do not be ashamed of dark complexion, a good mood is a beauty agent, a good mood to write