Anixter作为一家全球性的提供网络集成及布线解决方案的全球性企业,进入1997年,在中国的成绩有目共睹:为国家专利局做的网络集成方案,使数据查询从几天缩减至几秒;为深圳76层的鸿昌广场,建造智能大厦基本设施;与MIT合作,把NetDay项目扩展到中国的学校;扩展在中国的办事处和仓库的范围和规模。这一切的一切,按Anixter总裁兼首席执行官Bob Grubbs的话来说,就是:Anixter要集成中国的未来,使中国从“后进优势”中得益。 9月22日,趁Grubbs先生在北京考察之机,记者采访了他。
Anixter, as a global enterprise providing network integration and cabling solutions, entered 1997, and its achievements in China are obvious: the network integration program for the national patent office reduced the number of data queries from several days to several seconds; The 76-storey Hongchang Plaza in Shenzhen has built smart building infrastructure; it has partnered with MIT to expand the NetDay project into Chinese schools; and has expanded the scope and scale of its offices and warehouses in China. All this, in the words of Bob Grubbs, president and chief executive officer of Anixter, is: Anixter wants to integrate China’s future and benefits China from “advanced advantage.” On September 22, Mr. Grubbs visited Beijing and the reporter interviewed him.