2001年,整个日本被一只名叫可鲁的导盲犬所感动。它作为一只社会服务犬的一生被摄影师秋元良平拍摄了下来。从出生到死亡,秋元先生一直用镜头跟踪可鲁的生活。可鲁12 年与人相依相伴旅程的数十张黑白照片与娓娓道来的文字最终被编辑成《再见了,可鲁》一书。此书在日本刚一面市就创下了8个月内连印13 次的记录,畅销200 多万册,台湾和韩国也都销量上百万,被誉为“感动一亿亚洲人心”的超级畅销好书。2004年10 月,日本著名导演崔洋一(Yoichi Sai)将该书改编为电影《导盲犬小Q》,一举冲破了23 亿日币票房纪录。
In 2001, the whole of Japan was touched by a guide dog named Kelu. It was shot by a photographer Akimoto Yasushi as a social service dog for the rest of her life. From birth to death, Mr. Akimoto has been tracking the life of Lu Lu. Dozens of black and white photos that accompany the journey of 12 years of dependency with human beings are eventually edited into “Goodbye, Can Lu” books. The book in Japan just hit the city hit a record of 8 consecutive months even printed 13 records, selling more than 200 million copies, Taiwan and South Korea also sold millions, known as “touched 100 million Asians,” the super-best-selling Good book. In October 2004, Yoichi Sai, a famous Japanese director, adapted the book into a movie “Guide Dog Q”, breaking the 2.3 billion yen box office record.