屈指算来,我与《中国民兵》结下不解之缘已经整整13年了。13年来,《中国民兵》杂志以独特的魅力在我的精神生活中占据着主导地位。无论我走到哪里,都有它伴我左右。 1986年,我带着云南老山前线的征尘,到齐国故都临淄区人武部任政委,由于一直在野战部队工作,而且又刚从前线回来,所以,对民兵、预备役工作比较陌生。抓什么?怎么抓?一时理不出个头绪。正在我烦恼与苦闷时,无意间翻阅
As a matter of fact, it has been 13 years since I became acquainted with the “Chinese militia.” For 13 years, “China’s militia” magazine has taken a dominant position in my spiritual life with its unique charm. No matter where I go, it has it with me. In 1986, I took the dust from the front line of Laoshan Mountain in Yunnan Province and went to the Linzi District People’s Armed Forces as the political commissar of the Qi Guodu Capital. Since I was working in the field forces and returned from the front line, I was unfamiliar with the militia and reservists. What to grasp? How to grasp? I was in trouble and depressed, inadvertently read