有的人一听说自己的眼睛有散光就惊慌失措不知如何是好。其实散光就像大家所熟悉的近视、远视一样,都属于屈光不正,只要配一副合适的散光眼镜,就可以解决问题。所以不必害怕。 那么,散光眼究竟是怎样一回事呢?这里简单地说明一下眼睛的屈光系统和屈光不正的问题。我们的眼睛,自前到后有角膜(黑眼睛前面最表面的透明部分)、房水、晶状体和玻璃体这4个无色透明、无血管且具有一定屈光力的组织,它们共同构成眼睛的屈光系统。外界物体的光线入眼后,只有经过它们的屈折,才能形成焦点而成像。如果5米以外物体的成像正好落在视网膜上,成像十分清晰,这样的眼睛就称
Some people hear their eyes astigmatism panicked I do not know what to do. In fact, as we all know, astigmatism myopia, hyperopia, all belong to refractive errors, as long as with a suitable astigmatism glasses, you can solve the problem. So do not be afraid. So what is the astigmatism eye? Here’s a brief account of the eye’s refractive system and refractive errors. Our eyes, from front to back, are the cornea (the most transparent front part of the front of the black eye), the aqueous, crystalline and vitreous bodies, which are colorless and transparent, have a non-vascular and refractive power and together form the refractive system of the eye . After the light of an external object enters the eye, only through their inflection can they form the focus and image. If 5 meters away from the object of imaging is just falling on the retina, the imaging is very clear, such eyes are called