It is well-known that fault steps can break through in some cases and terminate in other cases. However, the influence of different friction law formulas on the rupture of bursts has not yet been widely discussed. In this study, two-dimensional dynamic finite element method was used to investigate how different frictional parameters affect the ability of rupture to cross the step under both tensile and compressive conditions. We compare the linear sliding weakening friction and the three rate-state compliance friction: the decay law, the sliding law, the strong rate weakening sliding law. We find that for the friction parameters of the same effective sliding weakening distance, the functional form of the friction law can have a significant effect on the maximum spanning distance. When we adjust the law of friction to have equivalent energy of rupture, we find that the functional form of this law of friction is second to rupture. Finally, we find that with certain parameters, the rupture delay across the step system can lead to a trans-shear transition mode not seen before, even if the initial stress field blocks the transition, once the rupture restarts in the secant section. Research on complex geometries, such as fault steps, using multiple friction laws can help to better understand and understand the dependence of fracture properties on the model and the type of friction law used in statistical analysis.