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碱水清洗机是汽车修理行业最常用的设备之一。随着生产的发展,我厂先后试制和使用过“浸入式碱液清洗机”和“履带式碱水清洗机”,前者结构简单,后者生产效率较高,但两者都有一个缺点,即碱性有害气体的扩散比较严重。为了克服履带式碱水清洗机的这种缺点,我们曾在整个履带的上方装上拔风罩以排除有害气体。但在排除有害气体的同时,却造成了碱性清洗液热量的大量损耗和液温下降,而碱性清洗液的温度恰恰是影响清洗质量的决定性因素之一。 Alkaline water washing machine is one of the most commonly used equipment in the auto repair industry. With the development of production, our factory has trial-produced and used “Immersion Lye Cleaning Machine” and “Crawler Type Alkaline Water Washing Machine”. The former has simple structure and the latter has high production efficiency. However, both of them have a disadvantage, That the proliferation of alkaline harmful gas is more serious. In order to overcome this shortcoming of the crawler type alkaline water cleaning machine, we installed a draft hood over the entire track to eliminate the harmful gas. However, while excluding harmful gases, it caused a lot of heat loss and temperature drop of the alkaline cleaning solution, and the temperature of the alkaline cleaning solution is just one of the decisive factors that affect the cleaning quality.
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【正】 Polyethylene In early May 2008,due to the tense sup-ply and the price rise of petrochemicals,the price of PE(polyethylene)was upconsiderably.In mid-May,t
On June 19th,2008 Yaan Haosen Co.,Ltd,invested by Sichuan Hesen Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,kicks off 200000 t/a PVC (polyvinyl chloride)project and matching proje
由杭州汽车摩擦材料研究所试验研制的HZ—350重型载重汽车鼓式制动器摩擦片于去年12月在杭州由杭州市机械局主持通过技术鉴定。 HZ—350制动摩擦片适用于载重量在10吨以上的
按FOCT 14848—69进行发动机磨合和可靠性试验过程中,对250多台ЗМЗ型发动机作了分析研究,从中找出气缸活塞组零件表面产生缺陷的原因。由进气管进入气缸中的磨粒和其它杂