党的十六大报告首次提出“壮大县域经济”的发展战略,这是全面建设小康社会的重大举措,标志着县域经济在国民经济中地位的提升。县域经济水平的差异是东西部地区差距的主要体现。西部地区要全面实现小康,就必须实现县域经济的跨越式发展。 县域经济是指在县级行政区划的地域内统筹安排经济社会资源而形成的开放且具有特色的区域经济。因地制宜发展县域经济,充分调动县级发展经
The report of the party’s 16th National Congress put forward for the first time the development strategy of “expanding the county economy”, which is a major measure for building an overall well-to-do society and marks the improvement of the county’s economy in the national economy. The difference of county economy level is the main manifestation of the disparity between eastern and western regions. To fully realize the well-to-do society in the western region, we must realize the leapfrog development of the county economy. County economy refers to the open and distinctive regional economy that is formed through the co-ordination of economic and social resources within the territory of county-level administrative divisions. Develop county economy according to local conditions and fully mobilize county development