河南辉县的百泉,是卫河源头。它常年不断地以其清澈的水源,接济卫河的航运。它的上游设有6个巨大的水闸,是当地农民为引水灌田而建,由来已久了。 民国十七年(1928年)春,天气酷旱,泉水大减。当时,驻河南新乡国民联军总司令冯玉祥的参谋人员,担心卫河水少,运送粮饷的水路梗塞,主张下令全部开放百泉的6个蓄水闸,放水补卫,以利运输。然而,当时是农民用水种稻的季节,如果启闸放水,百顷稻田就要干枯致死。当冯玉祥将军知晓后,立即制止道:“我们用兵打仗,本来是为了解救老百姓,如今天气大旱,我们怎么能忍心夺取水源,损害老
Baiquan, Huixian, Henan, is the source of Wei River. It perennial with its crystal clear water, the economy Wei River shipping. It has six huge sluices upstream and is built by local farmers for water diversion and irrigation for a long time. In the 17 years of the Republic of China (1928), the weather was cold and the spring water drastically dropped. At that time, the staff officer at Feng Yuxiang, the commander of the National Coalition Forces in Xinxiang, Henan Province, feared that there would be a shortage of water in the Weihe River and shipping charges. He advocated ordering the full opening of six water gates of Baiquan to drain water and facilitate the transport. However, at that time, the season in which peasants used water to grow rice would have dried up to death in 100 hectares of rice if the gate was opened. When General Feng Yuxiang was informed, he immediately stopped saying, "We used to fight to fight war. It was originally meant to save the common people. Nowadays, due to the severe drought, how can we bear the temptation to seize the water and damage the old