In 1934 AD, a young boy was born in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The child’s father was a small businessman and opened a (?) green vegetable shop in the Workers’ Area in Di’Khidan. The boy was Pete Blom. He started his father’s vegetable shop at the age of six to help with the work. He often rides his bike around the city and delivers the food to his family. In him, Amsterdam is made up of many small towns. Life experiences in childhood have had an important influence on his future career. After 1948, Blom worked for four or five years as a carpenter and participated in the expansion project in the West End of Amsterdam. The project was designed on the basis of rationalism. Blom was extremely repulsive to those cold buildings. He thought he would do better than these people. In 1956, when he was twenty-two, he entered the Amsterdam School of Architecture and studied under the well-known architect ALDOVANEYCK. Blom’s growth is thanks to this gentleman’s appreciation and