九省通衢武汉,不仅拥有得天独厚的地理优势,秀美风光,同时也拥有经济日新月异的发展和多如繁星的先进人物与事迹。可以说:武汉是座亮点频闪的城市。 在这座熠熠生辉的城市中,江汉区前进街就是其中一个颇为引人注目的亮点。 前进街位于汉口商业闹市区,西起前进一路,东至前进四路,南以中山大道为界,北抵京汉大道,辖区面积0.32平方公里,下设6个社区居委会,常住人口近3万,日流动人口近10万。前进街地域狭小,人口稠密,但其近年来在被人喻为“寸土寸金”
The thoroughfare of nine provinces, Wuhan, not only has the unique geographical advantages, beautiful scenery, but also has rapid economic development and more like stars and advanced people and deeds. It can be said: Wuhan is the highlight of the city strobe. In this glittering city, Jianghan District, Qianjin Street is one of the most eye-catching highlights. Qianjin Street is located in downtown Hankou commercial district, all the way west, all the way to the east, four-way forward, south to Zhongshan Avenue, Beijing-Hankou Avenue to the north, the area of 0.32 square kilometers, under the six community neighborhood committees, resident population of nearly 30,000 , The floating population of nearly 100,000. Forward Street narrow area, densely populated, but in recent years has been hailed as “expensive”