【摘 要】
Action-potential-encoded optical second harmonic generation (SHG) has been recently proposed for use in detecting the axonal damage in patients with demyelinating diseases. In this study, the characterization of signal conduction along axons of two differ
【机 构】
【出 处】
Action-potential-encoded optical second harmonic generation (SHG) has been recently proposed for use in detecting the axonal damage in patients with demyelinating diseases. In this study, the characterization of signal conduction along axons of two different levels of demyelination was studied via a modified Hodgkin–Huxley model, because some types of demyelinating disease, i.e., primary progressive and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, are difficult to be distinguished by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we focused on the differences in signal conduction between two different demyelinated axons, such as the first-level demyelination and the secondlevel demyelination. The spatio-temporal distribution of action potentials along demyelinated axons and conduction properties including the refractory period and frequency encoding in these two patterns were investigated. The results showed that demyelination could induce the decrease both in the amplitude of action potentials and the ability of frequency coding. Furthermore, the signal conduction velocity in the second-level demyelination was about 21% slower than that in the first-level demyelination. The refractory period in the second-level demyelination was about 32% longer than the first-level. Thus, detecting the signal conduction in demyelinated axons by action-potential-encoded optical SHG could greatly improve the assessment of demyelinating disorders to classify the patients. This technique also offers a potential fast and noninvasive optical approach for monitoring membrane potential.
Perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) have strong nonlinear optical responses with a number of potential applications, ranging from upconverted blue-lasing to the tagging of specific cellular components in multicolor fluorescence microscopy. Here, we determine th
在无线光通信中,外界复杂的环境很容易造成光束的偏转,从而影响其光接收效率。针对这一问题,提出一种指数函数型特种光锥作为空间光信号光接收装置。它是由纯净玻璃材料制成的,母线形状将直接影响其光接收性能。研究并推导了特种光锥的母线方程,然后基于射线光学理论,分析了特种光锥内部光线轨迹和在小端面的出射光能量,并且搭建了实验装置,进行了耦合效率的测试,并对其误差进行了分析。实验结果表明,指数型特种光锥曲线与理论结果基本一致,其大端面接收范围可达6.8 mm,耦合效率最高可达57%,可用于无线光通信、光纤通信、光束耦
为延长稀有气体卤化物准分子激光器工作气体使用寿命, 在原有供气设备基础上增加了工作气体实时补给技术.该技术采用FPGA控制系统将逐步提高放电电压、补充卤素气体和更换部分混合气体等操作有效组合起来.随着激光脉冲能量的下降, 逐步提高放电电压; 当放电电压达到最大值时, 开始补充卤素气体, 并恢复放电电压; 当补充卤素气体效果不明显时, 更换部分混合工作气体.将该技术应用于医用型ArF准分子激光器中进行实验研究, 结果表明: 在没有使用工作气体实时补给技术的情况下, 激光器累计工作14.38 h后, 输出单脉
We present a highly efficient method of generating and shaping ellipse perfect vector beams (EPVBs) with a prescribed ellipse intensity profile and continuously variant linear polarization state. The scheme is based on the coaxial superposition of two ort
制造激光反射镜TiO2/SiO2多层膜,主要方法是在氦气气压为5×10-3~5×10-2帕的情况下用钛和硅的低氧化物进行反应蒸镀。接着在670 Κ的空气中退火,生成所需化学计量的氧化物。在蒸镀过程中,工作气体中不可能完全避免的水蒸气含量与起始条件和设备状态有关。它往往会使激光反射镜的反射率和损耗发生变化。在蒸镀层形成过程中出现的不良结果,一般认为是因水蒸气所致。反之,在低氧化物受热蒸发时,采用水蒸气作反应气体,退火后可以获得系统参数复现性良好的多层膜系。本文将介绍以水为氧化剂制造激光反射镜的有关结论。
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