通道窗口功能概述 DA7全部参数信息都显示在台面右上角的320mm×240mm的(背光)液晶显示屏上,(见标头DA7图右上角液晶显示屏)。这就为调音台在各方面的参量调整设置提供了一个可以直观的、形象化的、时实显示各种参数的窗口[WINDOW]。我们首先介绍通道窗口,你可以用Channel Strips(通道条)上的SELECT(选择)按钮选择任何通道。或者按某一通道开(ON)按钮,或着调整你所选定的通道推子
Channel Window Function Overview DA7 All parameter information is displayed on the 320mm × 240mm (backlit) LCD at the top right corner of the table (see the LCD at the top right of header DA7). This provides an intuitive, visual, real-time display of various parameters of the window [WINDOW] for the mixer in all aspects of the parameter adjustment settings. We begin by introducing the channel window where you can select any channel using the SELECT button on the Channel Strips. Or press a channel on (ON) button, or adjust the channel fader of your choice