By mining China Family Financial Survey Database (CHFS) and using the econometric model for empirical test, the results show that marriage has a positive impact on the participation of risky assets, that is, married people are more inclined to invest in risky assets than single persons. With the education level , And the participation rate of risky assets increased. The family population had a significant positive impact on the participation rate of risky assets (real estate), and had a significant negative impact on the stock participation rate. Women were more involved in risky assets than men. Married people’s ratio Singletons prefer to invest in real estate and men are more involved in investment real estate. When considering the impact of other variables, married women find fewer risky assets than single female decision makers. When they are grouped into different age groups , Marital status has a significant effect on participation in risky assets; married groups are more involved in risky assets than singles in each education level group.