Based on extensive collection and heat resistance screening and identification, the pure line of early indica rice “BG33-2” with high tolerance to high temperature during grain filling stage was chosen as the donor parent from a large number of varieties, The heat-sensitive early indica line “Ganzaoshixian 38” is a reincarnated parental line. After 9 years of 11 generations of crossbreeding, continuous single plant identification and selection, backcrossing, anther culture and continuous selfing have been bred Set Ganzaoxian 38 near isogenic lines. The 33 characteristic traits and the statistical analysis of traits measured showed that the traits of G38HT, G38MT and G38HS bred in this study were homozygous and stable, and the heat tolerance at grain filling stage was highly resistant, moderately resistant and sensitive, respectively A pure line is a near-isogenic line of Ganzaoxian 38 at significant temperature difference during grain filling. This near-isogenic line can provide ideal experimental material for further and systematically ascertaining the physiological mechanism and genetic mechanism of rice’s heat tolerance at grain-filling stage.