我们在翻译时往往会出点这样那样的失误,即使是有名的翻译家,有时也在所难免。造成误译的原因很多,其中重要的一条是,没有把握准一些语言现象与上下文的关系。有些词语孤立地看,有多义,可作多种不同的理解,但放在特定的语言环境中,一般来说(双关语等例外)只有一种理解是准确的,不然,语言的交际功能会受到影响。所谓上下文,是指在意思上有联系的一个词,一个词组,一个句子,也可以指一段,一章,一节,还可以指全篇文章或整本书。本文准备就国内广为使用的《新概念英语》(NewConcept English)第三册和《通过阅读学习英语》(EngliSh Through Reading)这两本书的不同译本对同一原文的不同译法进行分析,目的不在于对某一译本作全面评价,而在于探讨上下文在理解中的作用。
We often make such mistakes when translating, even famous translators are sometimes inevitable. There are many reasons for mistranslation, one of the important ones is the failure to grasp the relationship between some linguistic phenomena and the context. Some words are isolated, polysemous and can be used for many different understandings. However, in a specific language environment, generally speaking, only one kind of understanding is accurate. Otherwise, the communicative function of language Will be affected. The so-called context, refers to the meaning of a word, a phrase, a sentence, you can also refer to a chapter, a chapter, can also refer to the entire article or the entire book. This article is intended to analyze the different translations of the same original texts on different versions of the widely used Book Three of NewConcept English and the EngliSh Through Reading, It is not about making a comprehensive assessment of a translation, but about exploring the role of the context in understanding.