After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, China faced two choices of fate and two futures. The CPC represents the fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people in the country and strives to build an independent, democratic and prosperous new-democratic China through peaceful means. The Kuomintang ruling clique, which represents the interests of the big landlords and the bourgeoisie, attempts to seize the fruits of the victory of the war with the civil war, Trying hard to maintain the reactionary dictatorship. On June 26, 1946, 220,000 KMT troops attacked the Central Plains Liberation Area and an all-out civil war broke out. In the first eight months of the war, our People’s Liberation Army wiped out more than 710,000 enemy troops and foiled the Kuomintang’s all-out offensive. Chiang Kai-shek’s quick-quick attempt at confusion has come to nothing.