465.I ̄2C接点8位I/0芯片型PCF8574应用很广泛,它可以和其它元件一起,应用于AD-DAI/模块中,也可用于光继电器卡和LC显示中。由于经常需要将多个8574模块与I ̄2C总线相连,故通过输入A0-A2给每个IC提供不同的地址是可能的。由...
465. I ~ 2C contact 8-bit I / O chip type PCF8574 is widely used, it can be used with other components, AD-DAI / module can also be used for light relay card and LC display. Since it is often necessary to connect multiple 8574 modules to the I2C bus, it is possible to provide each IC with a different address by entering A0-A2. by...