近些年来消费者对水产品的新鲜度和安全度要求越来越高,活体运输成为有效的保鲜方式之一,但国内水产品的活体运输技术存在着信息化、智能化程度低,监控因素单一等亟待解决的问题。针对上述问题设计了一种水产品活体运输智能监控系统,通过硬件和软件的设计,对运输车箱内水环境的温度、p H、溶解氧等水质环境参数和视频数据进行实时监控。该系统构建了底层传感器检测与控制、监控中心数据处理、远程终端管理的三层物联网结构,通过无线传输技术,实现了水产品活体运输的远程智能监控。该系统通过Lab VIEW软件设计了上位机监控界面,不仅可以实时显示运输过程中水产品的各水质环境参数及车内安全视频监控数据,还建立了水产品数据库,可进行历史数据的查询。经过小型罗非鱼活体运输车辆的测试,该系统运行稳定可靠,操作简便,具有良好的实用价值。
In recent years, consumers are increasingly demanding on the freshness and safety of aquatic products, and living transport becomes one of the effective preservation methods. However, living aquatic transport technologies in domestic aquatic products have the problems of low informationization, low intelligence and monitoring factors Single and other problems to be solved. Aiming at the problems mentioned above, an intelligent monitoring system for living transport of aquatic products is designed. The hardware and software are used to monitor the environmental parameters such as temperature, p H, dissolved oxygen and other environmental parameters and video data in the tank. The system constructs the three-layer structure of IoT at the bottom of sensor detection and control, monitoring center data processing and remote terminal management. Through wireless transmission technology, remote intelligent monitoring of live aquatic products transport is realized. The system designed PC monitoring interface through Lab VIEW software, which can not only display real-time aquatic environmental quality parameters and in-car safety video surveillance data of aquatic products in real time, but also establish a database of aquatic products to query historical data. After a small tilapia live transport vehicle test, the system is stable and reliable operation, easy to operate, with good practical value.