由河北省美术家协会、中共邢台市委宣传部,邢台师范专科学校,邢台市美术家协会联合主办的邢台市白寿章书画艺术研讨会于1995年5月18日在邢台师范专科学校隆重召开。河北省美术家协会、河北省画院,《河北画报》社、河北师大美术系等单位部门领导、专家以及邢台市美协、书协、书画院,工人文化宫、文化局、群艺馆、民盟、工会等单位、部门的负责同志和邢台市书画界名家,还有邢台师专美术系师生与学校书画爱好者共一百余人参加了会议。 白寿章先生是邢台师专前身邢台师范学校的美术教师。1897年7月生,1973年12月因心脏病突然发作逝世。生前曾先后在河北省立四师、大名师范、北方大学、南宫中学,邢台师范等学校任美术教师,在讲台上笔耕舌耘,孜孜不倦,循循善诱,为人民的教育事业奉献了一生。白寿章先生在中国画研究上有着很高的造诣,对书法艺术的继承与发展也做出了突出贡献。他的书画作品曾于1983年在北京中国美术馆展出,受到美术界、书法界名家大师的首肯,纷纷留言赞赏其“书画俱佳”、“迥然不俗”。此次展览在京城一度产生强烈反响。 研讨会首先由邢台师专校长边守正致辞。边校长说:白寿章先生忠诚于人民的教育事业,勤恳敬业,甘为人梯,辛勤耕耘,诲人不倦,为社会培养造就了大批美术专业人才,创作了大
Xingtai Bai Shouzhang calligraphy and painting art symposium jointly sponsored by Hebei Artists Association, Propaganda Department of CPC Xingtai Municipal Party Committee, Xingtai Teachers College and Xingtai Artists Association was held on May 18, 1995 in Xingtai Teachers College. Hebei Artists Association, Hebei Academy of Fine Arts, “Hebei Pictorial”, Hebei Normal University Art Department and other units and departments leaders, experts and the Xingtai City Association, Shuxie, Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Workers Cultural Palace, Cultural Affairs Bureau, League, trade unions and other units, departments responsible comrades and calligrapher in Xingtai City famous, as well as Xingtai Teachers College art teachers and students a total of more than 100 painting and calligraphy enthusiasts attended the meeting. Mr. Bai Shouzhang is a teacher of Xingtai Normal School, a predecessor of Xingtai Teachers College. Born in July 1897, died of a sudden heart attack in December 1973. During his lifetime, he worked as an art teacher in four divisions of Hebei Province, Daming Teachers College, Northern University, Nangong Middle School and Xingtai Normal University. He worked hard on the podium and perseveringly followed his example and gave his life for the people’s education. Mr. Bai Shouzhang has high attainments in Chinese painting research and made outstanding contributions to the inheritance and development of calligraphy art. His paintings and calligraphy works were exhibited at the China National Art Museum in Beijing in 1983 and were endorsed by celebrities and masters in the fine arts and calligraphy professions. They commented favorably on the “fine art of calligraphy and painting” and “not bad.” The exhibition in the capital once had a strong reaction. The seminar was first conducted by Xingtai Teachers College President Shou Shouzheng. The headmaster said: Mr. Bai Shouzhang loyal to the people’s education, hard work, willing to ladder, hard work, tireless education, for the community to cultivate a large number of art professionals, created a large