公安即社会安全 (Socialsafety) ,是指人类社会的安全、稳定和秩序。公安学 (Socialsafetytheory)是关于人类社会安全问题的学问 ,研究什么是人类社会的安全 ,为什么人类社会会出现安全问题 ,怎样才能实现人类社会的安全 ,其主要范畴有安全、稳定、秩序和与之对应的战争、动乱、恐怖、灾害等。警察是指对人类社会的安全、稳定和秩序的守护 ,即对于侵害社会安全的事物的预防、察知、警报和即时抗击。警察学 (policetheory)是关于如何预防、察知、警报和即时抗击侵害社会安全的事物的学问 ,研究什么是警察 ,为什么要警察 ,怎样警察 ,其主要范畴有警察、安全、危害、犯罪等。公安学与警察学是两个区别很大的学科 ,但两者间的联系也不能忽视。
Public security, social security, refers to the security, stability and order of human society. Social security study is about the social security of human beings, studying what is the safety of human society, why human society will have security problems, and how to realize the safety of human society. The main areas are security, stability, order and relationship with The corresponding war, turmoil, terror, disasters and so on. Police refers to the protection of the security, stability and order of human society, that is, the prevention, detection, alerting and immediate fight against things that infringe social security. The policetheory is about learning how to prevent, detect, alert and immediately fight against social security. It examines what the police are, why they are police officers, and how they are police officers. Their main areas of police are police, safety, hazards and crimes. Public security and police science are two very different disciplines, but the connection between the two can not be ignored.