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古旧书画市场的拍槌下,不乏女性画家的作品,它们作为女性文化现象正日益令人瞩目。古代女性绘画的唯一专著《玉台画史》(清·汤漱玉著)的作者,将女性画家分为四大类:宫掖、名媛、姬侍、名妓。实际上宫掖画家有以流传的作品罕如凤毛麟角,文献著录的简单雷同,而早已不能成为独立的一类。真正代表女子美术的是闺阁和名妓画家。闺阁画家包括名媛和姬侍,是 Under the beat of the ancient painting and calligraphy market, there is no lack of works by female painters, who are increasingly drawing attention as female cultural phenomenon. The only author of ancient women’s paintings, the author of “The History of Jade Tablets” (Qing Tang Shuyu), divides female painters into four categories: Gongye, ladies, Ji paternity, and courtesans. In fact, there are few similar works by Gongyeye painters who are rarely seen in the literature. However, they can no longer be regarded as an independent category. The real representative of women’s art is the boudoir and prostitute painter. Boudoir painters include ladies and Ji paternity, yes