清晨,桑娅又从噩(è)梦中惊醒,她仿佛又听到了枪声、敲门声。桑娅赶紧从床上跳下来,蹲在地上双手紧紧抱住头。过了一会儿,她强迫自己平静下来。随后,她开始梳洗打扮,准备去上班。一年前,桑娅逃离了希特勒统治下的德国。在德国那个小城镇,她和她的犹太家庭惨遭蹂躏(róu lìn)。那一夜,党卫军带走了她的丈夫,行前他们紧紧拥抱诀(jué)别。后来桑娅的姐夫也同样被党卫军抓走,她的姐姐、外
In the morning, Sanya again woke up from her dream, she seemed to hear the gunshots and knock on the door again. Sanya hurriedly jumped out of bed and crouched on the ground with both hands clinging to her head. After a while she forced himself to calm down. Then she started grooming and getting ready to go to work. A year ago, Yanja fled from Germany under Hitler’s rule. In the small town of Germany, she and her Jewish families were ravuned. That night, the SS took her husband away from their embrace of the jué. Later, Sanya’s brother-in-law was also taken away by the SS, her sister, outside