各位网友、《汽车与安全》杂志的广大读者,大家好!欢迎你们做客安全了吧。安全了吧推出很多期了,相信读者、网友都注意到了,每期请到安全了吧做客的嘉宾都是大家比较熟悉的公众人物,除了专家、学者、政府官员之外, 还有一些演艺界的明星和艺术家。公众人物具有较大的社会影响力和导向性,安全了吧的目的就是想通过他们的价值取向以及言谈行为,对社会群体起到健康引导的作用, 同时希望名人能够真正担当起比普通公民更多的社会责任。因此我们这期安全了吧的主题就是“榜样的力量”。
Members netizens, “car and safety” magazine readers, Hello everybody! Welcome to your guest safety. It is safe to launch a lot of time, I believe readers, users have noticed, every time you go to the security guest guest are all more familiar with public figures, in addition to experts, scholars, government officials, there are some entertainment industry Star and artist. Public figures have greater social influence and orientation. The purpose of safety is to take a healthy lead role for social groups through their values and conduct of speech. At the same time, it is hoped that celebrities can really play a role of more than ordinary citizens More social responsibility. So the theme of our security this time is “the power of example.”