“坚持真理,永不放弃!”,这是共产党员张志新同志在特殊的历史条件下向党、向人民发出的正义的呼喊。 张志新,1930年生于天津市,1955年加入中国共产党,生前是中共辽宁省委宣传部文艺处干事。 ”文化大革命”刚刚开始的时候,张志新同一切善良的人们一样,怀着纯洁的动机投入运动。但是,随着运动的开展,她敏锐地洞察到了这场斗争的尖锐性、复杂性。面对现实,她在努力寻找答案。她开始认真地学习革命理论,细心地搜集各种材料,联系现实问题,认真思索着。她在给母亲的信中坚定地表示,在关系到党和国家前途命运的运动中,一定“要用党性要求自己,尽到自己的责任”。
“Hold to the truth and never give up!” This is the shout of comrade Zhang Zhixin, a Communist member, to the party and to the people under special historical conditions. Born in Tianjin in 1930, Zhang Zhixin joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1955 and was a director of the Arts Department of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee during his lifetime. At the very beginning of the “Cultural Revolution,” Zhang Zhi-xin, like all kind-hearted people, put into practice with pure motives. However, as the campaign progressed, she keenly perceived the sharpness and complexity of the struggle. In the face of reality, she is struggling to find the answer. She began to seriously study the theory of revolution, carefully collect all kinds of materials, contact real problems and seriously think about it. In her letter to her mother, she firmly said that in the campaign concerning the future and destiny of the party and the country, she must “demand that she should exercise her own responsibility with the party spirit.”