目的:通过与二维X线指导比较,探讨采用CARTOUNIVUTMX线影像整合系统指导下消融房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)的效果及优势.方法:入选对象为2016年1月至12月期间我院因AVNRT行导管消融的39例患者,根据手术方法分为常规二维X线指导下行导管消融的二维手术组(36例)和CARTOUNI-VUTMX线影像整合系统指导下行导管消融的CARTOUNIVU组(3例),收集临床资料和手术数据,并进行随访.结果:两组患者均取得手术即刻成功,术后随访25~363(198 ± 106)d,均无房室结折返性心动过速再次发作.两组均无三度房室传导阻滞、心包填塞、气胸、血胸、死亡等并发症发生.与二维手术组相比,CAR-TOUNIVU组手术时间较长[(183 ± 115)分比(74 ± 45)分,P =0.014].二维手术组X线曝光时间258 ~3400秒,CARTOUNIVU组X线曝光时间93~300秒,CARTOUNIVU组术中X线曝光时间明显缩短[(182 ± 106)秒比(699 ± 566)秒,P=0.007].结论:采用CARTOUNIVU$lt@span sup=1$gt@TM$lt@/span$gt@X线影像整合系统指导AVNRT消融较传统二维X线手术具有同样的成功率和安全性,并且显著减少了X线曝光时间.“,”Objective:To evaluate the guiding effect of CARTOUNIVUTMsystem on catheter ablation of atrioven-tricular nodal reentrant tachycardia(AVNRT) compared with fluoroscopic guidance. Methods:Patients who needed catheter ablation for AVNRT diagnosed by conventional electrophysiological testing in our department were eligible for this study from January 2016 to December 2016. We divided all the patients into CARTOUNIVU group and fluoroscopic group. The procedure time,fluoroscopy time,occurrence of complications and success rate were com-pared between the two groups. Results:A total of 39 patients were enrolled in this study. Acute and long-term suc-cess rates were similar between the CARTOUNIVU group (n=3) and the fluoroscopic group(n=36) without se-vere complications. The fluoroscopy time in the fluoroscopic group was 258-3 400 seconds,and 93-300 seconds in the CARTOUNIVU group. The CARTOUNIVU group allowed a reduction in fluoroscopy time(182 ± 106) seconds vs. (699 ± 566) seconds, P=0.007) with increased procedure time [(183 ± 115) minutes vs.(74 ± 45) minutes, P=0.014]. Conclusion:Both CARTOUNIVUTMsystem and fluoroscopic guidance are effective and safe in AVN-RT ablation therapy. The application of CARTOUNIVUTMsystem was associated with lower fluoroscopy time in AVNRT ablation.