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  release n. 发行
  dedicated adj. 专注的
  collaboration n. 合作;协作
  comment v. 评论;评价
  recommend v. 推荐
  diligently adv. 勤奋地
  split v. 分开;分摊;使分裂(成不同的派别)
  barrier n. 障碍;栅栏
  When Western musicians perform songs in Mandarin, its generally one?off release designed to woo(争取……的支持)Chinese fans.
  For Josh and Jesse Edbrooke, Mandarin is not a marketing ploy(策略)—its the language they perform and release albums in.
  They love Mandarin and later became dedicated Mandarin students, moving to Taiwan in 2009 along with former bandmate Niall Dunne.
  Today, Transition is working on its third Chinese?language album, having completed two multi?city tours of Chinese mainland, and picked up a nomination(提名)for a Golden Indie Music Awards in Taiwan, the equivalent(同等的)to the well?known Mercury Award in the UK.
  “Weve made all sorts of great connections and collaborations with local artists,” said Jesse Edbrooke. “Our identity is almost like a Mandarin band, part of the Mandarin scene.”
  The band often works with Chinese artist Luo Wenyu, who performs under the name of Wing, and they supported him two years ago on live television during the Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan, the equivalent to the Grammy Awards in the United States.
  Perhaps their biggest collaboration was with Jay Chou in 2011, when the band featured in the pop stars music video for the song Sailor Afraid of Water.
  That year Transition released their biggest hit Dui Bu Qi, which has received 2.6 million hits on Youtube.
  The bands single Dui Bu Qi about the challenges of cross?cultural relationships, is also popular with Mandarin learners.
  Chinese teacher Fu Frances commented on YouTube: “A smart and interesting topic that you choose for this new published song with relaxing melody as usual, I will definitely recommend it to my Chinese students.”
  Lead singer Jesse Edbrooke worked diligently with a song coach to get his pronunciation right, and the song coach joked that his singing was probably better than his spoken Mandarin.
  “Singing in Chinese is a very different challenge,”he said.
  Instrumentalist Josh lives permanently(永久地)in Taiwan with his wife, while Jesse now splits his time between the UK and China.
  “We love being a bridge between both countries,” Jesse Edbrooke said. “We love so many parts of Asian culture, and we want to break down some of the cultural barriers using our music. We try to show our journey of learning about Asian culture, learning to love it and understand it.”   The band is now focusing on producing its third Mandarin language album, and plans to play music during festivals in Chinese mainland.
  work on 从事;致力于
  pick up 获得;拾起;学会;振作精神;恢复
  be popular with 受……欢迎
  as usual 像往常一样
  focus on 聚焦于;专注于
  plan to do 计划做……
  Why are more and more foreigners beginning to learn and use Mandarin nowadays?What is the driving force in your eyes?Please share your opinion with your classmates.
[精彩导读]  《射雕英雄传》是武侠小说作家金庸先生的代表作之一。如今,其已经被翻译成英语,在西方的文坛上闯荡江湖。  未读先知  fantasy n. 幻想  extraordinarily adv. 格外;非常;不寻常地  imaginary adj. 想象的  historical adj. 历史的;有关历史的  The worlds biggest kungfu fantasy write
目的:分析结核性胸膜炎患者血清25羟基维生素D3(25-(OH)D 3)与γ干扰素(IFN-γ)、白细胞介素10(IL-10)水平的相关性,并探讨其意义。方法:将2017年1月至2018年5月在本院首次确
All: Oh hey! Great to see you again!  Johnny: It’s great to be back!  Olivia: Are you just back for a visit?  Johnny: No! I’m staying!  All: Hooray! Oh, great!  Fadi: Great news!  Johnny: Yeah. A posi