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绩溪县位于安徽省东南部,是徽商故里、徽墨之乡,有着悠久的文化、教育传统。道光八年(1828年),著名经学大师、“礼学三胡”之一的胡培翚首倡众捐兴建了东山书院。光绪三十一年(1905年),绩溪县署将东山书院改为绩溪县东山高等官立小学堂,这是绩溪县第一所近代公立小学堂。民国2年(1913年),该校并入县立第一高等小学。绩溪县东山高等官立小学堂学制四年,主要招收12—18岁学员,考试入学,学习期满考试及格者颁发“卒业凭照”。学校按照学部颁布的教育宗旨,“以忠群、尊孔、尚公、尚武、尚实五者切实训练,以培养国民之善性,扩充国民之知识,强壮国民之气体”。开设课程主要有修身、读经讲经、中国文学、算术、历史、地理、格致、图画、体操九科。九科之外另设有品行、英文、音乐等课,为迎合“徽商”需要,学校还开设有商业课程。安徽师范大学图书馆所藏宣统元年(1909年)三月《绩溪县官立东山高等官小学堂分类誊清》文书,详细记载了清末徽州绩溪县官立东山高等小学堂的各项开支账目,真实地反映了清末“新政”时期徽州初等教育的基本状况,可供中国教育史等方面研究参考。 Jixi County is located in the southeast of Anhui Province, is the hometown of Hui Merchants, Hui ink town, has a long tradition of culture and education. Daoguang eight years (1828), the famous master of science, “ceremony three Hu ” one of the Hu Peiyuan first public donations built Dongshan Academy. Thirty-one years Guangxu (1905), Jixi County Department of the Dongshan College to Jixi County Dongshan higher official primary school, which is Jixi County, the first modern public elementary school. In 2 years (1913), the school merged into the county’s first higher primary school. Jixi Dongshan higher government school for four years, mainly to recruit 12-18-year-old students, test admission, exam expired examination issued by the “graduation license.” Schools in accordance with the Department of Education promulgated the educational purposes, “to Zhongqun, respect Kong Kong, Shang Gong, martial arts, still solid five practical training to cultivate the goodness of the nation, expanding national knowledge, strong national gas ”. Courses are mainly self-cultivation, reading classics, Chinese literature, arithmetic, history, geography, style, pictures, nine subjects gymnastics. In addition to the 9 subjects, there are classes for conduct, English and music. In order to cater to the needs of “Huishang”, the school also has commercial courses. Anhui Normal University Library collection of the first year of Xuantong (1909) in March “Jixi County government Dongshan higher official primary school classification 誊 Qing” instrument, detailing the late Qing Dynasty Huizhou Jixi County government Dongshan higher primary school expense accounts , Which truly reflects the basic situation of primary education in Huizhou during the late Qing Dynasty and the “New Deal” period, which can be used as a reference for the study of the history of education in China.
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一天,动脑筋爷爷神采奕奕地给一群小朋友讲故事,由于他讲述生动,孩子们都听得十分入迷.他讲道:“据说希腊马其顿亚历山大大王在征 One day, my head and my grandpa spoke e
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