Shifting of the Agent of Disciplinary Power in J. M.Coetzee’s Foe

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  【Abstract】In Foe by focusing on the characters like Friday and Susan Barton, Coetzee challenges colonial authority as well as patriarchal ideology. Just as Friday is disciplined on racial grounds, Susan is silenced as a woman pushed outside the canon of male authorship. However the agent of disciplinary power shifts when Friday and Susan respectively resist colonialist and patriarchal ideologies. By virtue of Foucault’s concept of disciplinary power, this article aims to exhume Coetzee’s critique of Western totalizing narratives and patriarchal ideology.
  【Key words】Foe; disciplinary power; resistance
  1. Introduction
  John Maxwell Coetzee who was born in Cape Town, South Africa, on 9 February 1940, was the 2003 Nobel Laureate in Literature and the first novelist to win the Booker Prize twice. Foe as Coetzee’s fifth novel is a rewriting of Defoe’s novels, mainly Robinson Crusoe. Coetzee in Foe shifts his focus to the resistant process of the oppressed against the discipline, which deconstructs the power of western colonial representation and patriarchal authority. The present paper seeks to investigate J.M. Coetzee’s Foe in terms of Foucault’s concept of disciplinary power, which shifts the agent of disciplinary power.
  2. Discipline from the Oppressors
  According to Lois Tyson, “patriarchal subjugation of women is analogous to colonial subjugation of indigenous populations” (Tyson, 423). While patriarchy treats women as different and Other to male expectations, colonialism treats the colonized as different and Other to colonialist ideologies. Being disciplined is a common fate for women and the colonized in Foe.
  Susan, a woman trying to access the power of authorship a is a marginal figure cast in the role of the silenced other for lack of self-representation. She is silenced by the canon of male authorship. In the novel, Susan Barton determines to write the island story on her own for she wants to be “a free woman who asserts her freedom by telling her story according to her own desire” (Coetzee, 131). But she is aware that she needs the artifice a writer like Foe can provide to make her story sellable. In a sense, Barton is articulating imposed differences between masculine and feminine language.
  Asserting superiority over Friday can be interpreted as an attempt on Susan’s part in the creation of a stereotype. Friday is stereotyped as uncivilized/subaltern. Susan Barton, in an attempt to liberate Friday from her authorial control, actually imprisons him. In London, she has a room on the second floor, while Friday has a bed in the cellar. When Susan and Friday visit Foe and eat with him, Susan must remind Foe to order food for Friday, and the black man has his meal after the whites have eaten, indicating that he is not considered as their equal.   3. Resistance from the oppressed
  “we cannot have power without resistance: it comes up against power, struggles with it, and attempts to use its forces or to evade its traps” (Foucault, 162). Resistance is the adaptive response of power, and more importantly resistance is never merely negative but positive in the self-formation or the formation of subjectivity.
  Despite her disadvantaged position against Foe in the struggle to take over the narrative, Susan does not completely leave her story to the hands of Mr. Foe. By insisting on her freedom to tell her story according to her own desires, Susan claims “Who was to say there do not exist entire tribes in Africa among whom the men are mute and speech is reserved to women?” (Coetzee, 69). The quotation provides the strongest evidence of Susan’s assertion of her individuality.
  Through silence, Friday resists being classified and disciplined by white majority no matter in body or in mind. On the island Susan dashed the flute from Friday’s hands when the monotonous repetition of his six-note tune annoyed her. But in Britain, Friday has some intuitive understanding of the authority of writing and of the role of the author. When Friday dances in Foe’s robes, Susan calls out his name and is ignored; when she puts out her hand he brushes it aside. Friday by silence succeed not falling into the danger of black skin and white masks and in a way decompose white discursive power.
  4. Conclusion
  Through analyzing the relation between colonizer and colonized, the oppressor and the oppressed in terms of Foucault’s disciplinary power theory, Coetzee in Foe not only revisits and challenges colonial discipline but also turns his attention into the issue of patriarchal authority. Susan and Friday as the oppressed successfully shift the agent of the disciplinary power and speak for themselves.
  [1]Attwell, David. J. M.. Coetzee: South Africa and the Politics of Writing[M]. California: University of California Press,1993.
  [2]Doubling the Point[M]. Harvard: Harvard University Press,1992.
【摘要】新课程标准是以学生的发展为本,着重培养学生的创新精神和自主实践能力。英语情境教学的目的是倡导学生亲身体验参与,进入自主合作探究学习,重视学生英语口语交际和应用能力的培养。在教学实践中,我们应把英语教学与教师设置的一些情景结合起来,使学生有一种身临其境的感觉,学习到活的语言,从而提升学生的核心素养。  【关键词】情境教学;初中英语;高效课堂  【作者简介】丁亮,江苏省灌云县初级中学。  英语
【摘要】通过介绍思维导图的内涵与特征引入思维导图在初中英语写作中的具体应用概况,进一步探讨其应用过程中存在的优势与问题,并进行简要的分析以提出相应的解决方法。从而提高学生应用思维导图进行英语写作的能力,以期提高学生的学习效率和对英语的学习兴趣。  【关键词】思维导图;英语写作;案例;实践;问题分析  【作者简介】沈慧玉,诏安四都中学。  引言  英语作为一门在各种大型考试中都占有十分大比重的学科,
【摘要】相对来说高职院校的学生英语基础较为薄弱,过去传统的英语教学方式对于学生来说难以提高成绩。根据目前高职学校的英语教学方式,将交际法运用到英语教学当中,该方法能够有效提高学生的学习积极性,进而提升学生在实际生活中运用英语进行沟通交流的能力。本文详细分析了交际法在高职英语教学中的基本情况和问题,并提出了教学过程中的交际法的具体运用过程。  【关键词】高职英语;交际法;运用  【作者简介】曲丽丽,
【摘要】委婉语在新闻报道中的使用非常普遍,其主要作用是避讳掩饰或雅致礼貌。委婉语不仅是一个语言学的概念,还是一种文化现象。本文作者从文化视角分析了美国新闻英语的委婉语以期提高新闻英语的鉴赏和应用水平,促进跨文化交际。  【关键词】新闻英语;委婉语;文化内涵  【作者简介】李文瑞(1985.03-),女,陕西宝鸡人,西安工程大学人文学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:翻译理论与实践。  引言  新闻英语中委
【摘要】随着当今科学技术的不断发展,以智能化、数据化为主的时代也悄然来临,在这一过程中,不仅为社会中的各个领域带来了更多的便捷,同时对于新时代下的高校教育也提出了更多的要求。本文基于高中英语教育中的具体困境,在满足社会经济发展的需求下,提出相应的应对策略,以此提升我国整体的高校英语教学水平,从而实现教学改革在新时代下的发展目标。  【关键词】高校;英语教育;应对策略  【作者简介】吴靓(1988-
【摘要】本文分析了高中英语教学改革存在的问题,探究了学生为中心的教学理念及其优势,并从教师要积极进行角色的转变;重视培养学生的英语学习自主性和学习的兴趣;对学生进行合理的引导;强化教学反馈互动;转变教学方式多方面分析了以学生为中心高中英语教学策略,对于英语教育的发展是一种促进。  【关键词】学生中心;高中英语;教学;策略  【作者简介】方可,深圳市翠园中学。  以学生为中心的教育理念要求教育过程中
【摘要】本文通过阶梯式教学培养学生的阅读思维、以学生为本的整体阅读教学、增强学生思维的创新性等途径,培养学生高阶思维,有助于提升学生的英语阅读思维品质。  【关键词】学生;高阶;思维;初中;英语;阅读  【作者简介】赵秀凤,江苏省连云港市东海县城头中学。  初中阶段的教学中,英语阅读教学是提高学生英语综合水平的重要内容之一。初中生英语阅读理解能力的发展,与学生的英语思维品质密不可分。所以,如何培养
【摘要】在素质教育的当下,英语教育的目标不仅仅是在于学生的语言理解与表达能力,更多的在于学生的思考探索能力。为了有效的提升学生在高中英语教学中的思维能力,本文从不同角度探讨关于高中英语教学的思维训练方法,希望可以为其他教育者提供一定帮助。  【关键词】高中英语;思维训练;教学方法  【作者简介】邹雯婷,江苏省扬州市北京新东方扬州外国语学校。  一、引言  英语不仅属于一门学科,同时也是一门语言类的