今年1—4月苏州市工业消费品市场的形势总的是旺而不稳,畅中夹乱,令人喜忧参半。 1—4月,苏州市工业总产值比去年同期增长29.76%,增长幅速较大。全市实现社会商品零售总额22.42亿元,比去年同期增长23.12%,其中商业局系统实现4.38亿元,增长22%。商业企业经济效益普遍较好,一般已完成全年利润入库的70~80%,最好的完成108%,差的也达56%。
From January to April of this year, the situation of the industrial consumer goods market in Suzhou is always prosperous and unstable, and it is mixed. It is mixed. From January to April, the total industrial output value of Suzhou City increased by 29.76% over the same period of last year, and the growth rate was faster. The total retail sales of social goods in the city reached 2.242 billion yuan, an increase of 23.12% over the same period of last year, of which the commercial bureau system achieved 438 million yuan, an increase of 22%. The economic benefits of commercial enterprises are generally good. Generally, 70% to 80% of profits have been completed in the year. The best completion is 108%, and the difference is 56%.