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本论文采用维索尔伦的顺应论为理论框架,从顺应的角度来看跨文化交际中的语言使用。顺应论由四个方面组成,即语境关系的顺应、语言结构的顺应、顺应的动态性和顺应过程的意识程度。语境关系顺应和语言结构顺应为描述语言表义功能的各个实例和方面提供了工具。而要解释顺应过程的动态性,或研究相互顺应的实际过程,要充分考虑语言的变异性和协商性的作用,这些都是具体的语用研究的主要任务。本文将从语言使用中的相互顺应的过程的角度,即从实际的跨文化交际中语境和结构相互顺应的动态性角度对跨文化交流进行研究。语言使用或语言表义功能的相互顺应过程的中心就是意义的动态生成。 In this thesis, we use Virsollen’s theory of adaptation as the theoretical framework, and from the perspective of adaptation, the use of language in intercultural communication. Adaptation theory consists of four aspects, namely, the conformity of contextual relations, the conformity of language structure, the dynamic response and the conformity process. Contextual compliance and linguistic structure adaptation provide tools for describing various examples and aspects of the linguistic meanings function. To explain the dynamics of conformity to the process or to study the actual process of mutual adaptation, it is necessary to fully consider the role of language variability and negotiation, which are all the major tasks of specific pragmatic research. This article will study cross-cultural communication from the point of view of mutual adaptation in the use of language, that is, from the perspective of the mutual adaptation of context and structure in actual intercultural communication. The center of mutual adaptation of language use or linguistic meaning is the dynamic generation of meaning.
一、贮前准备    1、品种选择。枣的耐贮性因品种的不同而差异甚大,一般晚熟品种较早熟品种耐贮,干鲜兼用品种较鲜食品种耐贮,抗裂果品种比较耐贮,大果型品种比较耐贮。    2、适时采收。用于生食的枣必须在脆熟期采收。脆熟期的标准为果面绿色减退,转为白绿色。此时果实水分多,味甜而质脆。由于枣的花期长,结果不一致,故采收要分批进行,一般在9月下旬至10月下旬采收。用于贮藏保鲜的枣果,不宜用乙烯利催熟,
随着国家食品质量安全市场准入制度的建立,众多家庭式食品加工小作坊已感受到生存的危机,不少小作坊开始向小企业转型。在这种特定时期,不妨从以下几个方面进行尝试。  “头脑”问题 思路决定出路,没有思路就没有出路。体制要转型,思想须“换档”,特别是要给自己一个恰当的定位,彻底突破小农意识的束缚,学会用市场的观念去认识、分析、对待转型期所遇到的问题,自觉地按市场经济规律办事。这就需要静下心来学习经济常识,