诺贝尔经济学奖比其他学科设立晚许多年,首次颁奖是在1969年。到1999年共颁发了30届诺贝尔经济学奖,来自全球的44位经济学家获此殊荣。其中,美国的得主最多,共27名,约占61.4%。其他国家依次为:英国7名,瑞典和挪威各2名,前苏联、荷兰、法国、德国、加拿大及印度各1名。 1969年 挪威的雷格纳·弗里希(Ragnar Frisch)和荷兰的扬丁伯根(JanTinbergen)由于研究和应用动态数学模型,据此分析
The Nobel Prize in Economics is many years later than any other discipline. The first award was made in 1969. By 1999, a total of 30 Nobel Prizes in Economics were presented, and 44 economists from around the world received this award. Among them, the United States has the largest number of winners, a total of 27, accounting for 61.4%. The other countries were: 7 in the United Kingdom, 2 in each of Sweden and Norway, and 1 in the former Soviet Union, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Canada and India. In 1969, Ragnar Frisch in Norway and JanTinbergen in the Netherlands studied and applied dynamic mathematical models,