一双手伸展该怎么腾伸,脚与脊背该如何贴近?随着你的喜好变化,来研习这种高温的瑜伽。随着你姿势变化来顺应你温差,从热恋中衍生的瑜伽什么是高温瑜伽随着Twins唱红这首《高温瑜伽》,一股风靡欧美和香港的高温瑜伽热潮扑面而来。在40℃左右练习的“高温瑜伽”(BikramYoga),是由印度瑜伽大师Bikram Choudhury与其妻子所创立,并在美国发扬光大。
How to extend the stretch of a pair of hands, feet and back how to close? With your preferences change, to study this high-temperature yoga. With your temperature changes to adapt to your temperature difference, derived from the love of yoga What is a hot yoga With Twins sing the song “hot yoga”, an epidemic of hot yoga in Europe and America and Hong Kong blowing the face. Bikram Yoga, practiced at about 40 ° C, was founded by Indian yoga guru Bikram Choudhury and his wife and sprouted in the United States.