70年代初,中国开始计划生育,于是,就陆续有了独生子女长大成人,部队里也便有了独生子女兵这一特殊群落。来自武警福建省总队的一项调查结果表明,近几年,独生子女兵在整个兵员成分中的比例已经呈逐年上升趋势,1996年为23.6%,1997年上升到31.2%,而1998年则猛增到42.5%。这一崭新的群体不断地壮大,越来越引起部队及社会方方面面的关注。那么,我们究竟该如何看待现代独生子女兵呢? 想在温室里享受一辈子吗李沂,来自山东沂蒙山区,他在问卷中答道:“我父亲就我这么一个儿子,很
In the early 1970s, China began to carry out family planning. As a result, one-child and one-child adults grew up, and the special group of only-child soldiers was found in the army. According to a survey conducted by the Armed Police Corps of Fujian Province, the proportion of only child soldiers in the entire army composition has risen year by year in recent years, from 23.6% in 1996 to 31.2% in 1997 and to 1998 Increase to 42.5%. This new group continues to grow and draws more and more attention from the army and all sectors of society. So what exactly do we think of the modern one-child soldier? Want to enjoy a lifetime in the greenhouse? Li Yi, from Yimeng Mountain, Shandong Province, replied in the questionnaire: ”My dad was just such a son