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前不久,作为保持共产党员先进性教育活动的一个组成部分和重要内容,省人大常委会机关离退休干部党支部的党员赴红色老区红安县接受革命传统教育。参观过程中我浮想联翩——看着车行的路,想到它以前有过革命先辈战斗的足迹;望着路两旁大大小小的山或丘,想到它以前长有大树、树下有过红军;见着1927年8月起的十年间鄂豫皖苏区烈士数有13万之多,想到这些烈士为新中国诞生抛头颅洒热血的丰功伟绩非常值得深切缅怀,我们共产党领导人民作出如此大牺牲打出的江山绝不能丢失。还想到学先辈不能抱走过场之态度认为具体要学的已过时,想到现今的共产党员比起非党群众应具备和明显具备先进性、像所有党员或非党员的先烈一样,想到先进性的标准在党章中规定了但也可通过学先辈等加以细化。于是,便又在党员应向先辈学什么、应该是咋样上有了 Not long ago, as an integral part and an important part of education activities for maintaining the advanced nature of party members, party members of the retired cadres’ party branches of the organs of the provincial people’s congress went to Hong’an County, the old red district, for revolutionary traditional education. During the visit, I imagined - looking at the road of the car, think of it before the revolutionary footsteps of the revolution; looking at the road on both sides of large and small hills or mounds, think of it before the long tree, the tree had The Red Army; as seen in the ten years from August 1927, there were as many as 130,000 martyrs in the Soviet Union, Jiangsu, and Anhui. It is very memorable for these martyrs to throw their blood on the birth of New China. Our Communist Party led the people to make such a big sacrifice The country that hit must not be lost. Also think of learning advanced can not hold the attitude of the scene that the specific learning is out of date, think of today’s communists than non-party masses should have and obviously advanced, like all the members or non-members of the martyrs, think of advanced standards It is stipulated in the party constitution but can also be refined through advanced scholarship. Then, what should party members learn from their ancestors?
目的 讨论研究在对结核病患者进行抗结核治疗时发生不良反应的原因以及应对措施,为今后临床治疗结核病患者提供更多的参考和指导.方法 2010年8月~2012年8月在我院传染科收治
机载新型瞄准吊舱“狙击手”,不仅有更强的防区外瞄准和发射能力,还采用了由蓝宝石制成的换形头部窗口,质地极其坚固,可透射的光波波段很宽,且不易被对方雷达探测到 The new airs