一、无线局域网市场 无线局域网产品已经是遍地开花。在发达国家,一些中学都已部署了无线局域网。随着该市场的爆炸性成长,现在已经出现了这样一种趋势:无线网络产品供应商与计算机厂商结为联盟,使无线组网能力成为计算机的标准配置。国内无线局域网市场还处于起步培
First, the wireless LAN market Wireless LAN products are already blossom everywhere. In developed countries, some secondary schools have deployed wireless LANs. With the explosive growth of the market, there is a trend now that wireless networking vendors and computer vendors are allied together to make wireless networking capabilities standard on computers. The domestic wireless LAN market is still in its infancy