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随着各地2015年财政预算草案的公布,各家“钱袋子”中的“民生清单”纷纷亮相。其中,广西2015年财政预算民生类支出超八成;江西将筹备1000亿元办50件民生实事;而环保治污则成为北京民生资金流向的重点领域。 With the announcement of the draft 2015 budget, the “livelihood checklists” in various “pocketbooks” have appeared one after another. Among them, Guangxi’s budget for 2015 will spend over 80% of the total livelihood of the people; Jiangxi will prepare 100 billion yuan for 50 livelihood projects; and environmental pollution control will become a key area for the flow of capital to people’s livelihood in Beijing.
本文介绍了两级计算机控制汽车综合性能检测系统的设计方案。作原理及其主要功能,重点介绍了系统的硬件构成和软件实现申的有关技术问题处理. This article describes the two
中法汽车用钢技术研讨会报道应冶金部部长刘淇的邀请,法国Usinor-Sacilor钢铁集团公司以国际战略计划部部长吉.多利先生为团长一行10人来华进行访问,并由冶金部外事司林一胜司长主持于1995年10月30 ̄31日在长
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