提起Wharfedale(乐富豪)的家庭影院音箱系统,许多影音爱好者就会像笔者一样想到了经典的Diamond(钻石)系列。的确,自从1981年乐富豪推出第一代钻石系列之后,就赢得了世界各地用家广泛的赞誉,而外型高贵典雅、音色优美以及出色的性价比则成为了钻石系列广受欢迎的主要原因。在不断吸收以往经验的基础上,继续开拓全新的技术,目前钻石系列已经发展到Diamond 10系列,令人感到相当惊叹。而这次要介绍的Diamond 9系列,经历了较长时间的市场考验,是目前最受影音爱好者关注的家庭影院音箱系统之一。笔者选择Diamond 9系列中的Diamond 9.6落地音箱、Diamond 9.CM中置音箱、Diamond 9.1书架音箱以及SW150主动式超低音音箱组合成一套7.1声道的家庭影院音箱系统。
With Wharfedale’s home theater speaker system, many video enthusiasts think of the classic Diamond series as the author did. Indeed, since Lafayette introduced the first generation of diamonds in 1981, it has won wide acclaim from home and abroad, and its elegant appearance, beautiful sound and excellent price / performance ratio have become the main reasons for the popularity of diamond series. In the continuous absorption of past experience based on the continued exploration of new technologies, the current diamond series has developed into the Diamond 10 series, it is quite amazing. This time to introduce the Diamond 9 series, has experienced a longer period of market tests, is currently the most concerned about the audio and video enthusiasts home theater speaker system. I chose the Diamond 9 Series Diamond 9.6 floor speakers, Diamond 9.CM center speaker, Diamond 9.1 bookshelf speakers and SW150 active subwoofer combined into a 7.1-channel home theater speaker system.