三维激光扫描技术可以在不接触、无损害的前提下,将珍贵古建筑的几何、颜色、纹理等信息记录下来,用于对历史遗迹的保存和修复。利用三维激光扫描仪获取国家重点保护文物——洛阳白马寺齐云塔的激光点云数据,通过对比分析Cyclone、CAD、Geomagic Studio等软件对点云数据的处理方法,制作完成齐云塔DLG图件、线框三维模型和TIN模型,并给出处理点云漏洞的一般准则。
Three-dimensional laser scanning technology can record the geometry, color, texture and other information of precious ancient buildings without any contact or damage, and can be used for the preservation and restoration of historical sites. The laser point cloud data of Qiyun Tower, one of the national key protected cultural relics in Luoyang, was obtained by 3D laser scanner. By comparing and analyzing the processing methods of point cloud data such as Cyclone, CAD and Geomagic Studio software, Pieces, wireframe 3D models and TIN models, and gives general guidelines for dealing with point cloud vulnerabilities.