Adaptive scheme based on status feedback for virtual network mapping

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:buhao00155
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Network virtualization is considered as a powerful way to deploy different network architectures and protocols over a shared physical infrastructure.Virtual network(VN)embedding plays an important role in the network virtualization environment.Virtual network embedding is mainly about mapping virtual nodes and virtual links onto the physical network resources efficiently.However,load balancing of substrate network has not received much consideration.This paper proposes an adaptive virtual network mapping algorithm based on status feedback.The main contribution is to embed the virtual network requests according to the current load distribution of substrate network.This adaptive algorithm differentiates the residual bandwidth of substrate links and takes full advantage of the multi-path to improve the load balancing of the substrate network.Simulation experiments show that the proposed algorithm improves the load distribution of substrate network distinctly while reducing the average substrate link stress significantly. Network virtualization is considered as a powerful way to deploy different network architectures and protocols over a shared physical infrastructure. Virtual Network (VN) embedding plays an important role in the network virtualization environment. Virtual network embedding is mainly about mapping virtual nodes and virtual links onto the physical network resources efficiently.However, load balancing of substrate network has not received much consideration.This paper proposes an adaptive virtual network mapping algorithm based on status feedback. The main contribution is to embed the virtual network requests according to the current load distribution of substrate network. This adaptive algorithm differentiates the residual bandwidth of substrate links and takes full advantage of the multi-path to improve the load balancing of the substrate network. Simulation experiments show that the proposed algorithm improves the load distribution of substrate network distinctly while reducing the average sub strate link stress significantly.
书名:《100个即将消失的地方》作者:CO+LifeA/S[丹麦]出版时间:2010年7月出版社:广西师范大学出版社推荐理由:《100个即将消失的地方》以简明生动的文字和绝美的 Title: “1
经济学和政治经济学是研究世界经济与国际政治问题的两个基本分析范式。 说到经济学和政治经济学,笔者认为这两者间至少存在四点区别:第一,人、集团或阶级的偏好与行为在各自研究中的地位不同。政治经济学将集体行动置于研究的核心,尤为关注利益集团博弈的政治过程。经济学则在其分析中抽象掉了、至少是淡化处理了个人偏好与选择密切相关的集体行动问题。第二,博弈者对相对利益与绝对利益的态度不同。经济学更多的是关心绝对福利的改进,看重的是参与贸易的各方均能不同程度地获益。政治经济学则更关注相对利益,这意味着只要竞争对手的损失更大