用文献计量学的方法,对《武汉化工学院学报》1979~1998 年发表的论文及其引文进行了统计分析.结果表明:20 年共发表论文896 篇,平均每期15.5 篇,平均引文量为5.39 篇,无引率为6% .引文语种:中文占54.55% ;英文占39.93% .引文类型:期刊占56.89% ;图书占42.94% .引用次数最多的中文期刊为本院学报.
By means of bibliometrics, the papers and quotations of “Journal of Wuhan Institute of Chemical Technology” published from 1979 to 1998 were analyzed statistically. The results show that in the past 20 years, a total of 896 papers have been published, with an average of 15.5 in each issue. The average number of citations is 5.39, and no quotation is 6%. Citation Language: Chinese accounted for 54.55%; English accounted for 39.93%. Citation Type: 56.89% of journals; 42.94% of books. Chinese journals with the most citations are Journal of the Institute.