为了解苏州古城现存古井的水质卫生现状,笔者于2010年夏季对苏州市古城区较有代表性的十口古井水质状况进行了分析。按照HJ/T 164—2004《地下水环境监测技术规范》进行水样的采集、保存和检测。按照GB/T 14848—93《地下水质量标准》中三类标准进行评价。十口古井水的pH值、氟化物、氯化物、硫酸盐及总硬度均合格,而井水的电导率相对较高。见表1。
In order to understand the existing sanitary status of ancient wells in the ancient city of Suzhou, the authors analyzed the water quality of 10 representative ancient wells in the ancient city of Suzhou in the summer of 2010. According to HJ / T 164-2004 “groundwater environmental monitoring technical specifications” for water samples collected, preserved and tested. According to GB / T 14848-93 “groundwater quality standards” in the three categories of evaluation. Ten wells water pH, fluoride, chloride, sulfate and total hardness are qualified, and well water conductivity is relatively high. See Table 1.