
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuqiang1986
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人们用某种形式把某种观念传递给对方,对其心理和行为产生影响,按一定的方式去思考、行动,称之为暗示;如果暗示者的暗示引起被暗示者相反的心理和行为反应,则称之为反暗示。人,不同程度地存在着可暗示性,也不同程度地存在着反暗示性。因此,在语文教学中,为了培养学生的批判性思维能力,激发学生的心理潜智,增强学生学习的信心,从而提高语文教学效率,教师既要用巧妙的方式有效地克服反暗示,又要充分利用反暗示,以发挥正暗示所不能替代的作用。洛扎诺夫在《暗示学》中指出,反暗示有三道防线,即逻辑防线、感情防线和伦理防线。在语文教学中,如何克服和利用这三道反暗示防线,是能否正确运用暗示规律,进行有益于语文学习的关键环节之一。下面我们由两节写作实验课及笔者与教师的问答,看反暗示在语文教学中的具体应用。 People use a certain form to convey a certain concept to each other, influence their mentality and behavior, and think and act in a certain way, calling it a suggestion; if the suggestion of an implied person causes the opposite psychological and behavioral responses of the person being implied , it is called anti-implication. People, to varying degrees, are suggestive, and there are anti-implicitities to varying degrees. Therefore, in the Chinese language teaching, in order to cultivate students’ critical thinking ability, inspire students’ mental potential intelligence, enhance their confidence in learning, and thus improve the efficiency of language teaching, teachers must use smart ways to effectively overcome the anti-implicit, but also Make full use of anti-inference to play a role that is implied by irreplaceable. Lozanov pointed out in Implied Studies that there are three lines of defense against the implied logic: the logic defense, the emotional defense, and the ethical defense. In Chinese language teaching, how to overcome and use these three anti-implicit defense lines is one of the key links that can be used to correctly apply implied laws and is conducive to language learning. In the following, we will write an experimental class and a question and answer between the writer and the teacher in two sessions to see how the anti-implicit application in language teaching is applied.
俄罗斯生产的钛产品主要用于航空工业。本文简述了VSMPO-AVISMA公司2013年钛产品的生产、出口和应用状况。 Titanium products produced in Russia are mainly used in the
一、小学语文教学应坚持不懈地进行“两史一情”教育 江泽民同志多次强调指出,要对小学生、中学生一直到大学生,由浅入深,坚持不懈地进行中国近代史、现代史及国情教育。这是
把导航领域、军事领域和导航电子地图中广泛应用的圆概率误差(circular error probable,CEP)引入到HPL(horizontal protection level)的计算中,在最小二乘残差法基础上构建了基于圆概率误差的RAIM(receiver autonomous integrity monitoring)可用性算法。首先计算了在一定误警率、漏警率条件下多颗卫星发生故障时的水