江西省樟树市盛产具有千年历史的“四特酒”,曾以“清、香、醇、纯”的特色而被敬爱的周恩来总理介绍到首都人民大会堂的国宴上去。今天,樟树市人武部发动民兵率先在精神文明建设创建活动中创造出了别开生面的“新四特”: “新四特”之一:特别的“军令状” 今年元旦前夕。当新年的钟声即将敲响的时候,多少人正在享受与亲人团聚的欢乐,而樟树市人武部党委“一班人”却在为如何搞好“四特”故里的精神文明创建活动而讨论起草一份新文件——关于组织民兵参加“双十争先”活动而向市委市
The city of Changshu in Jiangxi Province is rich in “four special wines” with a thousand years of history. Premier Zhou Enlai, once beloved by the characteristics of “pure, fragrant, pure and pure,” introduced to the state banquet at the Great Hall of the People in the capital. Today, Zhangsushun Municipal Armed Forces Department took the lead in creating a spectacular “new four special” in the building of spiritual civilization: one of the “new four special”: a special “military order” on the eve of New Year’s Day this year. When the bell of the New Year is about to ring, how many people are enjoying the joy of reuniting with their loved ones while the “one group” of the party committee of the Armed Police Forces in Zhangshu City is discussing how to do well in the spiritual civilization creation in the “four special” hometown Drafting a new document - to organize municipal militia to participate in “double ten competition first” activities to the municipal government