It has long been observed that indium electrolysis can only be roughly or partially separated from its intergrowth metal. Kleinatre and Terrell confirmed that the metal that precedes zinc in the standard potential order can not be separated from indium although the standard potentials of In ~ (+3) ions and Zn ions differ by more than 0.43 volts. Recently, the author has studied in detail the electrochemical behavior of indium and has determined that indium in a monovalent state can be electrolytically precipitated. In ~ (+1) ions are very easily oxidized, and their redox potential to a standard hydrogen electrode is about (?) 0.4 volts. When the cathode region and the anode region are well separated by a separator, the metal indium is precipitated in a well-crystallized state and the current efficiency is high. For example, at 1% concentration of In 2 (SO 4) 3 solution (pH = 2.44) at 45 °,