菲岛毛眼水蝇Hydrellia philippina Ferino是水稻害虫。除菲律宾报告寄主水稻外,我们尚发现为害李氏禾(游草)Leersia hexandra Swarez。 笔者曾到我区柳州、南宁、玉林、百色、桂林及广东海南等地观察,亦发现该虫不同程度地发生。亦有依其为害状误称稻秆蝇Chloropsoryzae Matsumura的。我们还在稻田及水沟杂草上捕到一种东方毛眼水蝇H.orientalis Miyagi,该虫是否为害水稻,有待进一步调查。
Hydrophilia Philippina Ferino is a pest of rice. In addition to the Philippines reported host rice, we also found Leicesia hexandra Swarez. I have to Liuzhou, Nanning, Yulin, Baise, Guilin and Guangdong, Hainan and other places observed, also found that the pests to varying degrees. Also according to its harmful state mistakenly known as rice stem flies Chloropsoryzae Matsumura. We also catch H.orientalis Miyagi, an oriental eye-waterfly, on the weeds in rice fields and ditches. Whether this pest infects rice is for further investigation.