据卫生部统计,我国2008年传染病发病数中,乙肝居首位,发病人数在100万以上。我国乙肝病毒携带率为7 .18%,约9300万人,根据世界卫生组织的标准,我国仍是乙肝流行区域,属于“乙肝大国”。当今的乙肝治疗已进人一个“多药争鸣”的时代,患者在拥有更多选择的同时,也容易产生更多的困惑。专家指出,由于缺乏对乙肝治疗的正确认识,不少患者急于求成,选择了不恰当的治疗目标和方式,不仅影响治疗效果,而且会导致不必要的生活负担。因此,乙肝患者尤其要提高警惕,避免陷入乙肝治疗的“迷宫”。乙肝短期治疗应如何进行?什么是乙肝的长期目标?走向长期目标要经过怎样的历程?为此,本刊特邀乙肝治疗专家成军教授就乙肝治疗的相关问题进行了访谈。
According to the statistics of the Ministry of Health, among the number of infectious diseases in China in 2008, hepatitis B ranks the first place and the number of those infected is over 1 million. In China, the carrying rate of hepatitis B virus is 7.18%, about 93 million people. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, our country is still the endemic area of hepatitis B, and belongs to the “Hepatitis B Power”. Today’s hepatitis B treatment has entered a “multi-drug controversy” era, patients have more choices at the same time, but also prone to more confusion. Experts pointed out that due to the lack of a correct understanding of the treatment of hepatitis B, many patients are anxious for success and have chosen inappropriate treatment goals and methods that not only affect the treatment effect, but also lead to unnecessary burden of life. Therefore, hepatitis B patients in particular should be vigilant to avoid falling into the “maze” of hepatitis B treatment. What should be the short-term treatment of hepatitis B? What is the long-term goal of hepatitis B? To what long-term goal to go through this process? To this end, we invited professor of hepatitis B expert Professor Cheng Jun on hepatitis B treatment related issues were interviewed.