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北魏太武帝神■三年九月在其生母的故乡邺城为杜密太后立别庙,并享有较高的祭祀规格。与汉晋间为女性立庙的事例相较,密太后在太庙和故乡同时享有祭祀的事实显得十分特殊。又,是时北魏正处在与赫连定和刘宋两线作战之时,太武帝母舅杜超在对刘宋的作战中督都诸军,地位重要。因此,面对顾命大臣环绕,错综复杂的政治势力的太武帝也许希望通过此举来提高母族地位,建立依附于已的多元心腹力量,进而抬升皇权。此外,立国之初的北魏,宗庙祭祀体系较为混乱,尚不完善,直至孝文帝时才完成了宗庙祭祀制度的改革,考虑到其对代表华夏文化的严格的宗庙祭祀体制的接受程度,这一别庙的设立在礼制上似乎又显得不是十分特别。 Northern Wei too Emperor Wu ■ September three years in his birthplace Tancheng as Empress Dowager Dili Baptist, and enjoy higher sacrificial specifications. Compared with the Han and Jin Dynasties for the case of female temples, the Empress Dowager Temple and hometown at the same time enjoy the worship of the fact is very special. Also, when the Northern Wei Dynasty was in the fight with both He Lianding and Liu Song, when Du Chao, the mother of the emperor Wu Taidi, was in charge of the military operations of the Liu Song army, the status of the army was very important. Therefore, the emperor in the face of the complicated political power surrounded by the minister of government may wish to raise the status of the motherland through this move, establish a plurality of confrontational forces that are dependent on it, and then elevate the imperial power. In addition, the Northern Wei Dynasty, the ancestral temple sacrificial worship system at the beginning of the founding of the nation was rather chaotic and imperfect, and it was not until the reign of Emperor Xiaowen that the reformation of the ancestral worship system was completed. Taking into account its acceptance of the strict sacrificial system of sacrificial temples representing the Chinese culture, The establishment of temples does not seem to be very special in terms of ceremony.
<正> 近年来,经济增长理论的研究越来越受到我国经济学界和实际部门同志的重视。由于我国对经济增长理论的研究还刚刚起步,而国外对这一课题的研究已有相当长的历史,因此科学地借鉴国外的研究成果是十分必要的。最近,中国人民大学出版社出版了由胡乃武、金碚主编的《国外经济增长理论比较研究》一书,就是系统地研究国外经济增长理论的一个很有
称霸的格局之下,霸主如果蛮横不讲理,小国就会遭受欺侮。这种情况下,小国在与大国的交往过程之中,尤其需要选择好外交官,外交人员的外交智慧也显得尤为重要。  春秋时期,由于周天子地位日渐式微,诸侯称霸遂成常态。霸主更迭,各领风骚,主持大局的不再是周王,而是占据霸主地位的诸侯。就称霸这种模式而言,定期召开盟会非常重要。这种盟会,军事目的和政治意图都非常明确。霸主召集大小诸侯一起开会,缔结条约,谋求互惠共
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