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但卫华,男,1956年7月13日出生,湖北赤壁人,汉族,中共党员。工学博士、研究员、博士生导师。专业背景:皮革化学与工程、生物医学材料;研究方向:生态皮革(制革清洁技术)、生物医学材料、皮革商贸。1978-1982年成都科技大学高分子材料系制革专业本科毕业;1982-1987年在总后勤部3514厂供职,任技术员、技术科副科长;1987-1989年在湖北武汉制革厂供职,任工程师、技术科科长;1989-1992年在成都科技大学皮革工程系攻读硕士学位,并在四川省生物医学工程中心任工程师;自1992年6月至今,在四川大学任职。在此期间,先后在校科技开发中心和科技处工作,任成都科技大学皮革技术公司总经理、四川联合大学皮革工程实验厂厂长、四川联大皮革新技术研究所所长等职1996-1999年在四川联合大学皮革工程系攻读博士学位,并获工学博士学位。1999年10月调皮革工程系工作至今。参加工作27年来,共承担并完成国家、省部、地市级及横向科研项目和产品开发项目如:“高效益猪皮制革技术及相关配套材料的研究与开发”、“铬-稀土结合鞣猪纳巴服装革”等共30余项,共获得国家、省部、地市级科技奖励7项,其它奖项8项;申请国家发明专利22项,获得国家发明专利授权10项;在国内外专业刊物上发表科技论文200余篇,主编、参编专业著作如《制革化学与工艺学》、《轻化工清洁生产技术》等6部。先后获四川省有突出贡献的优秀专家、四川省学术技术带头人、享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴等荣誉称号。现兼任《中国皮革》、《皮革科学与工程》、《皮革与化工》、《西部皮革》编委、《北京皮革》名誉编委、中国皮革协会技术专业委员会委员、四川省皮革学会副理事长、国家863计划项目评审专家,教育部、四川省、重庆市、浙江省、江苏省等科技计划项目评审专家,《中国论文在线》评审专家。 But Weihua, male, born on July 13, 1956, a member of the Red Cliff in Hubei, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China. Doctor of Engineering, researcher, doctoral tutor. Professional background: leather chemistry and engineering, biomedical materials; research direction: ecological leather (leather cleaning technology), biomedical materials, leather business. 1978-1982 Chengdu University of Science and Technology Department of polymer materials tanning graduate; 1982-1987 in the General Logistics Department 3514 plant, any technician, deputy section chief of technology; 1987-1989 in Wuhan, Hubei tannery served as Engineer and chief of technology section; 1989-1992 master’s degree in leather engineering department of Chengdu University of Science and Technology and engineer in Sichuan Biomedical Engineering Center; since June 1992 till now, he has worked in Sichuan University. During this period, he worked in the Science and Technology Development Center and Science and Technology Department successively as the general manager of Leather Technology Company of Chengdu University of Science and Technology, director of the leather engineering experiment factory of Sichuan United University, director of the Sichuan New University Leather Technology Research Institute, etc. 1996-1999 In Sichuan Union University leather engineering Ph.D., and received a doctorate degree in engineering. In 1999 October transfer of leather engineering work so far. Participated in the work for 27 years, undertook and completed a total of national, provincial, municipal and horizontal research projects and product development projects such as: “high efficiency pigskin leather technology and related supporting materials research and development ”, “chromium A total of more than 30 items, including a total of more than 30 items of rare earth combined tannin Pig Garb leather clothing, won a total of 7 national, provincial, prefectural-level science and technology awards, 8 other awards; applied for 22 national invention patents, access to national invention patents 10 ; Published in domestic and international professional journals 200 scientific papers, editor, editor of professional books such as ”tanning chemistry and technology“, ”light chemical cleaner production technology“ in 6. Has won outstanding contributions of outstanding experts in Sichuan Province, Sichuan Province academic and technological leaders, enjoy the State Council issued a special government allowances and other honorary titles. Now he serves as ”China Leather“, ”Leather Science and Engineering“, ”Leather and Chemical“, ”Western Leather“ Editorial Board, ”Beijing Leather“ honorary Editorial Board, China Leather Association Technical Committee, Leather Association of Sichuan Province vice president , National 863 Program Project Evaluation Experts, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Province, Chongqing Municipality, Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and other science and technology project review experts, ”China Paper Online" review experts.
1一般资料患儿、男、8岁、因发热、咽痛2 d,来漯河市中心医院就诊,诊断“上呼吸道感染,急性扁桃体炎”给予5%葡萄糖250ml+麝香(吉林省集安益盛药业股份有限公司;批号:0803261
CES 创办已有 50 周年,逐渐发展成为全球消费技术厂商发布新产品和新技术的重要舞台,被称作国际消费技术发展趋势的“风向标”.据悉,本届电子展的展厅面积超过 24 万平方米,
我院于1998~2008年共收治晚发性维生素K缺乏症致颅内出血患儿56例,现报告如下。1临床资料1·1一般资料本组病例共56例,其中男42例,女14例,生后18 d~1个月13例,~2个月32例,~3