一、从推进“两个转变”和实现小康及现代化的高度,深化对加快科技进步的认识 科学技术是经济和社会发展的首要推动力量,是国家强盛的决定性因素。党中央、国务院一向高度重视科技进步在社会主义现代化建设中的重大作用。邓小平同志指出:“科学技术是第一生产力”。1995年全国科技大会提出了实施“科教兴国”战略的任务。实践也充分证明:科技进步是经济发展的“加速器”,是社会进步的驱动力量;但是有少数同志,特别是个别领导干部对科技进步的认识还没
I. From the Perspective of Advancing the Two Transitions and Realizing a Well-off and Modern Modernization, and Deepening Understanding on Accelerating Scientific and Technological Progress Science and technology are the primary driving forces for economic and social development and the decisive factor for the country’s prosperity. The Central Party Committee and the State Council have always attached great importance to the important role played by scientific and technological progress in the socialist modernization drive. Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: “Science and technology are primary productive forces.” In 1995, the National Science and Technology Conference proposed the task of implementing the strategy of “rejuvenating our country through science and education.” Practice also fully proves that scientific and technological progress is the “accelerator” of economic development and a driving force for social progress. However, few comrades, especially some leading cadres, have not yet realized the progress of science and technology